Welcome to the Island of the Deadly Swamp!
Lazarus asks us to help him find tiger lilies, which grow all over the island. To move between the islets, you have to build bridges over the tussocks. First, make sure to check the tussocks so Samantha doesn’t fall. Tap on a tussock and spend some energy to see if it is sturdy enough.
If a tussock doesn’t sink, you can build a bridge, which requires 3 planks.
In the depths of the swamp, we find the Circle of Cassiopeia. Clean it and then find and restore the columns so Taine can read the inscriptions on the altar.
It takes 60 energy to clean the altar.
The columns can be found on different parts of the island. To move a column to the altar, you will need 2 ropes and 5 planks.
Now we need more lilies to try summoning the dragon. Some lilies are infested with mosquitos, and you will need to produce repellent to reach them. Taine will help you with this.
1 repellent requires 1 lemon essence and 1 firewood.
As soon as you restore the altar and collect all the tiger lilies on the island, come back to Taine and try to summon the dragon.
The dragon speaks! Taine manages to interpret the vision we witness. He says we need to find Talissa the Seer to help us. There are rumors that the seer is hiding on the Island of the Bottomless Waterfall.
While working your way through the Island of the Deadly Swamp, you may notice some strange purple plants. Cutting them down may lead you to a secret of this island.
Island of the Deadly Swamp
Last Updated: 175d