Achievements are a new feature in Taonga that lets you earn rewards for reaching various milestones.

Tap your avatar in the top left corner of the game to find the achievements menu. There are two achievement categories currently available: Islander achievements awarded for developing your farm and exploring islands, and Entomologist achievements related to the new butterfly-catching mini-game. 


Next to each category, you will see:

  1. your experience level in the category
  2. your number of fully completed achievements in the category
  3. your number of claimed rewards for achievements in the category

Tap on a category to open its list of achievements. Each achievement consists of its description (1), its progress gauge (2), and the reward (3) you will receive for reaching the next level of the achievement. Claimed rewards for each achievement are represented by the sparkle marks (4) next to the achievement’s icon. 

Find out how to earn the achievements by reading their descriptions, and then continue your adventures with new goals to chase!