Tallulah has asked for our help on the Island of Forest Animals. The forest is on fire!
The animals are in danger, so our first priority is to save them. We need to find them and lead them out of the forest to the safety of the camp we’ve set up.
To put out the flames, we can cover them with sand using energy. The amount of energy required depends on how intense the fire is, ranging from 5 to 25 energy.
We’ve managed to save the animals, but the fire will engulf the whole island if we don’t stop it. Let’s find the edge of the fire to prevent it from spreading. Once we do, we can cut down the plants near the flames to contain the fire and pile up gravel to create mounds. We can get gravel by breaking stones on this island or sending raccoons to look for it.
Once the flames are contained, we’ll start extinguishing the fire itself. There’s plenty of water nearby, and we can ask the deer to help bring it to the camp.
On the island, we will find dried-up spring wells that can be cleared and revived.
It will take 10 planks and 5 ropes to clear the rubble.
These spring wells will allow us to gather water more efficiently, but we’ll need to use some resources.
Let’s use 2 buckets and 5 energy to draw 5 water from a well.
The smaller flames we encounter can be put out with 5 energy, but larger flames will require 5 water buckets. The biggest flames need 10 buckets to be extinguished.
Even after the fire is out, we can’t be certain it won’t return. A fire like this in the heart of the forest isn’t just an accident! When Tallulah speaks to the island’s animals, they mention a shaman wandering the woods. Let’s head to the beach and try to find him!
On the beach, the shaman accuses Samantha of starting the fire and orders his guards to bring her to the Island of the Ahi Camp.
Hint: There are no more fires, but some animals are still frightened. We can try to find them and calm them down for a bonus!