Welcome to the Island of Toru Kai Tangata! Your first step here is to find Shaman Taine and greet him. He will give you the Key to open Uncle Alan's coffer. After that, he will offer you a set of runes to choose from on the table. Be careful, though: it might just slip through your fingers. A little thief – a baby lemur – steals it from you and runs into the jungle!

You need to chase the lemur through the dragon fruit orchard. A local boy – Tama – will be glad to show you the secret path to the jungle if you collect 3 ripe dragonfruits for him to bring home.

There is the lemur – right in the middle of the jungle! You need to lure him with something special not to scare him off. If you talk to Maata the Birdkeeper, she may be able to tell you what will help. She says hazelnuts would be of use, and she is ready to share some once you get her runaway chickens into the pen.

The lemur sure does enjoy the nuts, but taking a tiny step closer scares him off again. You need to go deeper into the jungle! Maata says that bright jewelry might come in handy – animals like lemurs love playing with it. Patu the Glassblower can give you some colorful beads, if you collect flowers for him to use as bright pigments.

The lemur loves the glass beads, but he is still afraid of you. This time he runs too deep into the jungle thicket. You will need to light torches to illuminate your path and keep looking for the thief.
Soon you reach some ancient gates, but they have been shut for a long time. You will need to find a lever somewhere around to open them.

There is our little thief – hiding in some ancient ruins! Rangi thinks it's never a good idea to go into a wild animal's den, so it is best to find out more about the lemur first by talking to the villagers.

From the villlagers you learn that there was a storm not so long ago, and the beach’s sand may hide something useful. After searching, you find some bright cloth and wooden sticks. There’s an idea – build a new home for the lemur and lure him out of his damp, dark den! Watau the Carpenter can help you make the house for our lemur in return for a favor – if you collect seashells for his current order.

The lemur’s house is ready, and you can install it on a large baobab to keep your new friend safe. Some more hazelnuts and glass beads and the lemur is happily living in his new treehouse!
Treat the lemur with one of the snacks, and he will accompany you for several hours.

Since the ancient ruins are now vacant, you can explore them and finally find your rune.

Give the Rune to Shaman Taine - he will give you the reward that the Rune predicts: the cerulean macaw. Take it back to your home island and take care of it.
Feed your new pet and it will bring you rewards such as energy, experience points, diamonds and feathers. The macaw will happily snack on wheat, fruit salad and hazelnuts (can be acquired by finding Maata's runaway chickens on the Island of Toru Kai Tangata) - the better the food that you give it, the better the reward.