New adventure is calling! Wai Pango the Architect is the main Dragon Seals expert on the Taonga Archipelago, now living on the Island of the Lonely Mountain.

Once you get to the Island of the Lonely Mountain, you need to talk to Wai Pango first. But he refuses to help you in your restoration works. Maybe if you help him find his boat that was taken by a recent storm, he’ll change his mind?
There’s the boat! But it looks rather rundown. The storm really did a number on it.

Resin would definitely be useful to patch up all the holes. Collect resin from sequoias on the island and repair the boat.

The boat looks brand new and is almost ready for a new fishing adventure. Now find the bright agrimony and make fish lures for Wai Pango in the fisherman’s workshop.

The fisherman’s boat is all set! Wai Pango takes his first fishing trip after a rather long time. He arrives in a great mood, willing to help you in your endeavor.
Everyone sails off to the Island of Toru Kai Tangata. Wai Pango promises to build a new pediment for the monument, but he needs materials.

Now your mission is to travel to the Island of the Sandy Cliffs!